
Promoting Patient-Friendly Research Studies, Part 1

Across the clinical trial and medical research realm, one common issue many companies have been working on in recent years is making studies more patient-friendly. This is one of the biggest challenges out there when it comes to patient recruitment – many people want to take part in clinical studies, but too many recruitment efforts...

Correcting Myths on Modern BYOD Clinical Trials

Many clinical trials in today's modern era feature the use of devices for data capture, convenience and data storage, and one area here that's been exploding in recent years is the BYOD movement, or bring your own device. Many clinical research companies are taking on this approach, which allows patients to bring their own smartphone...
clinical trial supplies RTSM systems

Clinical Trial Randomization, Supplies and RTSM Systems, Part 3

In parts one and two of this multi-part blog series, we went over some of the basics and foundational qualities of RTSM systems within clinical trials. Short for Randomization and Trial Supply Management, these systems are important for not only assisting with randomization for a given trial, but also for documentation, tracking and management of...

Clinical Trial Randomization, Supplies and RTSM Systems, Part 2

In part one of this multi-part blog series, we went over some of the basic qualities and roles played by RTSM systems in clinical trials. Short for Randomization and Trial Supply Management, RTSM systems are vital for both randomization in trials and various tracking and management areas that clinical researchers benefit from in numerous ways....

Clinical Trial Randomization, Supplies and RTSM Systems, Part 1

Within a variety of clinical studies, particularly those utilizing single-blind or double-blind formats, one area that’s often very important is randomization. Over recent years, most clinical research facilities have adopted detailed systems to help with this area, broadly classified as RTSM systems – short for Randomization and Trial Supply Management. At AGA Clinical Trials, we’re...

Benefits of Private Cloud Networks for Patient Data Storage

Within the medical world, including clinical research trials, the secure and safe storage of patient data is of paramount importance. Many medical organizations are moving toward private cloud storage, which is a cloud infrastructure accessible only by a single company or organization, rather than a public cloud that’s open to all. At AGA Clinical Trials,...

Benefits of eConsent for Trial Participant Informed Consent, Part 2

In part one of this two-part blog, we went over some of the numerous benefits of eConsent, a term short for electronic informed consent in clinical research. eConsent, which makes several parts of the consent and data collection process within clinical trials far easier and more convenient, has major plusses for not only research trial...
benefits eConsent trial participant consent

Benefits of eConsent for Trial Participant Informed Consent, Part 1

Within any area of clinical research, the term "consent" is a vital one. It's very important for clinical trial participants to understand what they're taking part in and give their legal, informed consent for any minor risks they may be exposed to, and modern technological advances have improved this area along with several others in...

Addressing Mild Concerns Regarding BYOD Clinical Studies

In recent years, a form of data collection involving participants themselves has become more and more popular within clinical research. Known as bring your own device studies, or BYOD, these clinical trials involve patients submitting their data using their own smartphone, tablet or some other self-owned piece of technology. At AGA Clinical Trials, we’re proud...

Staff Types Associated With Clinical Research Studies

If you’re considering participating in a clinical research study for the first time, or if you haven’t participated in several years, you might have some basic questions about the professionals who will be on-hand to administer the study. This is natural and completely understandable, as these medical professionals will closely interact with you and other...
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