new pediatric migraine treatments

New Pediatric Migraine Treatments: Nerve Blocks, NSAIDs, CBT

Headache and migraine symptoms can be both painful and debilitating for many people, especially children who suffer from them chronically. Luckily, modern medicine is constantly on the hunt for new treatments, and several of these have begun to show promise within the world of pediatric migraine treatment. At AGA Clinical Trials, we’re proud to play…

clinical trial qualification volunteers

Clinical Trial Qualification: Informed Consent, Healthy Volunteers

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the main reasons why participation in clinical trials is typically limited. There are some simple explanations for this, including the goal of targeting populations that adequately represent the groups who suffer from a given condition, and it’s important to know about these…

clinical trial qualification participation

Miami Clinical Trial Qualification: Why Participation is Limited

There are a number of elements to consider if you’re thinking about signing up for any kind of clinical research trial, and one of the first during any such situation is whether or not you will qualify for participation. Simply put, due to a number of important factors that surround the world of clinical research,…

osteoarthritis trials value patients

Osteoarthritis Trials: Specific Value to Patients

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some basics on participating in osteoarthritis clinical trials if you suffer from this condition. There are several good reasons for doing so, and one of these that we noted is the possibility that you’ll receive the newest, best treatments available, sometimes even including those…

osteoarthritis trials phases benefits

Osteoarthritis Trials: Phases, Benefits and Risks

Conditions that require therapy and treatment for their symptoms are some of those that can be most benefitted by clinical research trials, and osteoarthritis is a good example here. The most common form of arthritis, osteoarthritis is prevalent in the hands, knees, hips and spine — with symptoms that range from pain to swelling, mobility…

eczema research new treatments

Eczema Research: Safe, Industry-Leading Search for New Treatments

While some think that clinical research studies are only carried out for the most notable and life-threatening diseases or conditions, this isn't actually the case at all. Medical research studies have had an impact on numerous different fields and areas, including those that are significant despite not being life-threatening, and a good example here is...
pediatric migraine research important

Why Pediatric Migraine Research is So Important

Nearly 40 million Americans suffer from migraine headaches, and this number includes people of all ages. Sadly, children are among this group -- around 8% of children suffer from migraines, with around 1-2% experiencing them on a chronic basis (headaches more than 15 days per month). At AGA Clinical Trials, we're one of several research...
clinical trial healthy volunteers expect

Clinical Trial Healthy Volunteers: What Volunteers Should Expect

In part one of this two-part blog series, we looked at the important role of healthy volunteers as participants in clinical studies. Volunteers are vital for serving as control cases and assisting with several forms of a given research trial, and healthy volunteers not only provide major value here, but also typically get paid for…

clinical trial healthy volunteers value

Clinical Trial Healthy Volunteers: Value for Miami Trials

For those who haven't participated in them in the past, there's sometimes an impression that the only people who can take part in clinical trials are those who have the type of condition or issue that's being studied. This couldn't be further from the truth, however -- in fact, healthy volunteers are an important part...
Alzheimer’s gender disparity themes

Alzheimer’s Gender Disparity: Themes and Unknown Areas

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some basics on the gender disparity that’s been observed for Alzheimer’s disease between men and women. Roughly two-thirds of all Americans currently dealing with Alzheimer’s are women, and while some of the reasons for this are understood, continuing research is also aimed at further understanding…

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