gender alcohol abuse clinical trials

Impact of Gender Gaps in Alcohol Abuse on Clinical Trials

Recently in this space, we went over some challenges facing the clinical trial world in terms of sex and gender disparities in clinical research. Despite efforts in this area over the last several years, the reality still exists that women are often underrepresented in both preclinical and early-phase clinical trials, and more work needs to…

trial recruitment benefits technology

Trial Recruitment: Benefits of Technology

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the basics on why many clinical trials are relying more and more on technology for recruitment, participant screening and related needs. Screening protocols are very important for any research study, ensuring the trial has the right kinds of participants and will produce...
trial recruitment screening issues

Trial Recruitment: Screening Issues and Modern Developments

From a broad standpoint, perhaps the single largest challenge facing many clinical research professionals today is patient recruitment. One of the most common reasons for clinical trial delays is patient recruitment and related screening issues – but at the same time, modern developments have begun showcasing major improvements to several areas of this realm. At...
clinical trial case report forms

Understanding Clinical Trial Case Report Forms

While each of our research trials at AGA Clinical Trials is unique in several ways, there are also some common medical trial elements that are relatively constant. One great example here is known as the case report form, abbreviated CRF. A vital component of virtually any clinical research trial that takes place, a case report...
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