Why Research Volunteering Is No Thankless Task, Part 1

If you’ve never done so before, the potential for participating in a clinical trial may seem somewhat foreign. Many who haven’t taken part in clinical research before envision a strict laboratory setting where humans are experimented on like guinea pigs in a movie, but in reality, this kind of intimidating setting couldn’t be further from what you’ll experience.

At AGA Clinical Trials, our entire research team is dedicated first and foremost to the safety, comfort and benefit of our trial participants. We appreciate your willingness to take part in studies that might benefit numerous individuals into the future – including yourself, something some people also don’t realize is the case when you participate in such a trial. In this two-part blog, we’ll go over some of the numerous reasons why study participants themselves benefit directly from clinical research.

research volunteering thankless task

Compensation is Common

For starters, there’s a monetary element included in many of the studies we and similar organizations offer. This compensation is often simply for things like time and travel expenses, but also could be for other unique elements.

In most cases, studies that involve pay will provide it following each completed visit related to the study. These sorts of funds can be highly beneficial to people in many different situations, from college students looking to pay the bills to retired adults who want to supplement their income while also benefitting in other ways.

Insurance Not Required

For those who cannot afford insurance or have been struggling with the proper coverage, clinical trials are often a great resource. They do not require insurance to participate, so if a trial is related to a condition you struggle with, you may actually receive necessary medical treatment as part of it.

Doctor Access

Down similar lines for those who may be struggling to receive the care they require, whether due to insurance or availability in certain specialized fields, clinical studies allow access to doctors without waiting weeks or even months for an appointment. Most such studies include meetings with board-certified physicians and individualized medical care, plus interactions with well-trained staff in areas that might relate to conditions you deal with.

Participation is Fully At-Will

All research studies carry fully voluntary participation, meaning you can withdraw your consent at any time if you are no longer comfortable continuing or are no longer able. This means you don’t have to worry about a study interrupting some important part of your life, including employment ore a commitment to children.

Checking on Your Health

In many studies, various diagnostic tests or exams will be performed as part of your preliminary screening. In fact, you may even receive a full physical (again, with no insurance required). This is done so that our researchers know if you have any conditions that might disqualify you or require further testing before you participate, but you will also generally have access to this information afterward.

For more on how you directly benefit from participating in clinical trials, or to learn about any of our research studies, speak to the staff at AGA Clinical Trials today.

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