Pediatric Migraine

Over 38 million Americans (20%) suffer from migraine headaches, and approximately 1 billion people suffer from them worldwide. Despite it being the 3rd most prevalent illness in the world, and the 6th most disabling, they are still quite misunderstood and often go mistreated. This is even more true for children who have a more difficult time understanding the severe pain that migraines can cause.

Migraines are quite common in children and can occur more frequently through adolescence. Symptoms will sometimes differ from those in adults—in children, pain is still a predominant symptom, but instead of it being localized to one area how it commonly is in adult patients, it is usually present on both sides of the head. GI issues such as vomiting, and stomach pain are also quite common symptoms in children. Because pediatric migraines are much shorter than those in adults, they are harder to treat.

For more information about our current pediatric migraine trials, contact us today. Compensation for time and travel is available for eligible volunteers. No health insurance or referrals required.

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